

To help people learn about tatted lace and share the joy of tatting.

Hi, I’m Laura Evans. I enjoy sending cards. Cards keep me connected to my friends and family. Cards are little pieces of art. It is a thrill to receive a handmade card in the mail.

Bio.2- photo.L.Evans (1)

In my small town, we had a 91-year-old lady in our church who tatted handmade cards. She donated them to our annual church fundraiser every year. Then at age 100 she died. When the fundraiser rolled around the next year, no tatted cards were for sale. I realized if I didn’t learn how to tat, there would be no more cards. I started looking for a teacher. Finally, in a neighboring town, I found a lady in her 80s who demonstrated how to shuttle tat. I went home, bought some books, and finished teaching myself to tat.

Most of my tatting is used on cards. A quiet evening spent tatting a flower relaxes me and gives me a feeling of accomplishment. It is fun to send a card to show how much I care about someone.

I wish you many hours of happy tatting!


Little Lace Flower Cards

Little Lace Flower 2

This is the same flower motif made with different colored threads.

Little Lace Flower 1